Ken Fisher in “The Australian”

This ugly destruction is endless and super great

By Ken Fisher, The Australian, 20/06/2024

Break up big tech? Pandering politicians say the sector’s behemoths are too dominant, requiring a regulatory crackdown. It isn’t just Australian regulators and Senate committees. European pols yapped endlessly about tech “fixes” during the run-up to the EU elections. America’s looming November vote fans similar “break up the monopolies” talk.

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High demand and weak supply should keep energy stocks up

By Ken Fisher, The Australian, 12/05/2024

Is the rebound in energy stocks real? It shocks bears, who deem it a short-term head fake fuelled by OPEC+ cuts and Israel-Iran war escalation fears. They say big Aussie energy firms’ profits will wane from lower oil and gas prices. Wrong! Deeper fundamentals underpin the sector’s surge – and they will power it through 2024. Here is why, and how to profit.

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To forecast stocks, get sentimental: the signs point to more bull market ahead

By Ken Fisher, The Australian, 15/04/2024

So far, so good! My 2024 outlook called for strong gains down under and worldwide – but with Aussie stocks lagging early before soaring late. Global returns of 11.6 per cent through to April 8 alongside a 3.9 per cent ASX rise speak to just that. More gains await. One key reason? Sentiment. Stocks always move most on the gap ­between expectation and subsequent results, so gauging the former is crucial.

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Realities and red herrings: Global market risks revisited

By Ken Fisher, The Australian, 24/03/2024

Feeling nervous? While I envisage double-digit sharemarket gains in 2024, bears can’t see it, claiming the ASX’s tepid start, alongside heavily discussed worries like Gaza/Israel and uncertain RBA policy, signal worse ahead. Wrong! Real risks must be oversized, economically significant events that few fathom – stealth torpedoes unpriced by markets.

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Australias luck and opportunity are everywhere

By Ken Fisher, The Australian, 18/02/2024

Land of Opportunity! The Lucky Country! For decades, those monikers described America and Australia. Even then, luck and opportunity weren’t uniform nationwide. You had to go where industry and capital were. No more. Now you can build anywhere: Sydney or Perth, Alice Springs, Hobart – or overseas! Technology bleeding into every sector, everywhere, means anyone, virtually anywhere, can build a world-bettering business – and profit en route. Yes you, too! Let me show you.

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Tune out doubters because 2024 will be ASX-cellent for stocks and shares

By Ken Fisher, The Australian, 11/01/2024

Cost of living crisis! Higher rates longer! Barely crawling Aussie growth! Wars! Insufferable US election histrionics! Too many believe this bull market is doomed down under ... and worldwide. Wrong! Expect moderate double-digit 2024 gains for both ASX and world stocks in what likely becomes a tale of two halves. Tech and big growth stocks should lead early - so stay globally diversified - before a mid-year value shift brings a bonzer bounce to Australia. Here is why.

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The economy is getting over its Covid-19 problems

By Ken Fisher, The Australian, 21/12/2023

Recall the so-called “new normal” that 2020s experts said Covid had given us. Spending patterns were hopelessly distorted. Travel wrecked forever. The world would never be the same, they said. Even handshakes and hugs were supposedly history. Ha!

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Interest rates staying higher for longer doesn’t doom stocks, and here’s the proof

By Ken Fisher, The Australian, 14/11/2023

Will high interest rates kill stocks? Last month 10-year Australian government bond yields (AGBs) and 10-year US Treasury's brushed 5 per cent – the highest in over a decade. This squished spreads between bond payouts and stocks’ “earnings yields” (the price-to-earnings ratio’s inverse, or firm’s annual earnings as a return or “yield” on current share prices).

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Debunking some of our sacred investing axioms

By Ken Fisher, The Australian, 23/10/2023

Question: What connects these supposedly sacred investing axioms? 1) Stocks move opposite to bonds. 2) Rising oil is bearish. 3) High interest rates kill tech stocks. Give up? Each is probably false!

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Positioning your portfolio for the next bull market phase

By Ken Fisher, The Australian, 14/09/2023

Where should you shop for stocks? Since last June’s lows, the ASX and world stocks have buried terrible 2022’s global bear market. Few foresaw. Even fewer correctly envisioned the same categories crushed by the downturn leading the new bull market’s charge.

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