Institutional Investing / Environmental, Social and Governance Insights

ESG Perspectives Newsletter Q3 2023

The ESG Newsletter is published bi-annually to keep the investment community abreast of Fisher Investments’ ESG capabilities and projects. This edition covers FI’s corporate engagement highlights, updates on our international responsible investment initiatives, and more.

  1. 2023 Corporate Engagement Update: Describes progress made in persuading companies to strengthen their ESG performance – successes include major changes to a company’s compensation program.
  2. Engaging on Waste Management Topics in the Consumer Staples Sector: Describes our process for identifying waste management as a relevant topic for engagement with companies in the consumer staples sector. Provides three examples of how we conducted background research on particular companies and how this led to engagement dialogues.
  3. Why Global Sustainable Equity Impact ESG: Provides details on the sustainable impact investing universe and our investment process.
  4. FI’s Proxy Policy – A Focus on Environmental & Social Proposals: Provides details on how FI voted proxies in Q3 2023.
  5. Austrian Ecolabel Updates: Provides details on the benefits/requirements in maintaining the Austrian Ecolabel and notes that we have been awarded the label for two funds.
  6. Hydrogen Overview: Describes increased interest in hydrogen-related investments with more opportunities to decarbonize carbon-intensive industries.

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