Personal Wealth Management / Corporate Information

How Fisher Investments' High-Touch Service Helps You

Are you receiving exceptional client service from your money manager? How often do they reach out to you? Does your adviser know you by name and understand your personal situation and retirement goals?

Senior Executive Vice President of Fisher Investmentsโ€™ US Private Client Group, Jill Hitchcock, introduces our Private Client Group and the unique value it provides.




How Our High-Touch Private Client Group Service Model Benefits Clients



Upbeat piano music plays.


A woman, dressed in a grey sports jacket, appears. A fly-out in the lower right corner identifies her as Jill Hitchcock, Senior Executive Vice President, US Private Client Group.

The fly-out disappears. The camera remains focused on Jill Hitchcock, occasionally changing angle.

A screen wipe occurs to reveal:


The music lowers in volume.

Jill Hitchcock: The Private Client Group is the organization we built to service our high net worth clients. The typical Fisher Investments client is really the millionaire next door.

Jill Hitchcock (continued): These are folks who have worked their whole lives. Saved responsibly. Spent responsibly. They haven't lived extravagant lifestyles, and they've accumulated the type of net worth that qualifies them to become Fisher Investments Private Clients. The most important feature of our service model is the education and the counselling that we provide to our clients. Our goal is to help our clients achieve their long-term financial goals. And to do that, it means staying dedicated to the path that we recommend that gives them the highest likelihood of achieving those goals.


Title Card: What is an Investment Counsellor and what role do they serve?

A screen wipe occurs to reveal:


Upbeat piano music plays.


Jill Hitchcock reappears on the screen.

A screen wipe occurs to reveal:


Jill Hitchcock: An Investment Counsellor is a client's main point of contact with the firm. And it's the role of the Investment Counsellor to keep the client educated. To keep them comfortable, and also to really understand the client's personal situation in depth. To understand their financial goals. To understand their needs along the way, and to make sure that they're comfortable with the approach we've taken.

Our Investment Counsellors aren't paid commissions. Where a typical broker or financial advisor may make compensation based on products they sell or trades they may make in the account, our Investment Counsellors don't make money in either of those ways. We don't sell any products and we don't make any money off of trading commissions. Clients can contact their Investment Counsellor as often as they wish.

We reach out to our clients based on their personal preferences. Some clients may want that quarterly, monthly, weekly. And clients call us frequently with questions. They may want to talk to us every day in times of market volatility. Or, they may want to go for a few months without reaching out.

The Investment Counsellors don't make any of the portfolio management decisions—that’s done centrally by our Investment Policy Committee. The Investment Policy Committee is regularly in touch with the Investment Counsellors—through presentations, Q&A, written communication—to make sure the Investment Counsellors are fully up to speed with their latest thinking.


Title Card: What programs and events do Fisher Investments clients have access to?

A screen wipe occurs to reveal:


Upbeat piano music plays.


Jill Hitchcock reappears on the screen.


Jill Hitchcock: One of the most unique features of the service Fisher Investments provides is the full range of in-person and online programs our clients have access to. We travel across the country every day, week and month, providing educational opportunities for our clients to meet with us in person.

Some of those are Forecast Seminars where we may have a few hundred clients meeting with us for a presentation and for Q&A. And, we stick around until the very last question at the very end of the night is answered.

Other events are smaller and more intimate. Informal Q&As with Service Personnel and Research Analysts to give clients the opportunity to ask any question that may be on their mind. We believe our private clients get a level of service and comfort with us that they don't get anywhere else in the industry.


The screen wipes to reveal text:


Fisher Asset Management, LLC, trading under the names Fisher Investments and Fisher Investments Canada, is established in the USA and regulated by the US Securities and Exchange Commission and the Ontario Securities Commission.

Investing in equity markets involves the risk of loss and there is no guarantee that all or any capital invested will be repaid. Past performance is not an indication of future performance. The value of investments and the income from them will fluctuate with world stock markets and international currency exchange rates.


The music increases in volume.


The text dissolves into new text which reads:


This commentary constitutes the general views of Fisher Investments Canada and Fisher Investments, and should not be regarded as personalized investment or tax advice or as a representation of their performance or that of their clients. No assurances are made that they will continue to hold these views, which may change at any time based on new information, analysis or reconsideration. In addition, no assurances are made regarding the accuracy of any forecast made herein. Not all past forecasts have been, nor future forecasts will be, as accurate as any contained herein.


The music continues to play.


The screen fades to black.


The music fades out.

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*As of 01/07/2024

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