AI Literacy Statement
The Company may makes available to its employees and contractors AI-powered tools and solutions that are designed to facilitate business functions and related activities.
Employees and contractors are encouraged to regularly review the list of AI-powered tools and solutions relevant to their role, which can be found on the Company’s intranet.
The Company has taken, to its best extent, measures to ensure that employees and contractors have a sufficient level of AI literacy as regards the AI-powered tools and solutions that the Company may make available to them for business use. These measures include basic as well as role-specific training programs that are aimed at ensuring that employees and contractors can make informed use of the AI-powered tools and solutions that may be made available to them, including creating awareness around the opportunities as well as the risks and possible harms associated with the use of AI.
Employees and contractors that have questions about these AI-powered tools and solutions or would like to enhance their AI-literacy skills are encouraged to contact their manager.