Fisher Investments Client Complaints Form

Fisher Investments takes client complaints seriously. We are committed to helping resolve any complaints or feedback you may have. In addition to the robust complaint handling processes currently in place—available to you through your dedicated team of investment professionals—this form provides another opportunity to provide service feedback. We always welcome your comments on how we can improve and look forward to helping resolve your concerns or complaints as quickly as possible.

Please use the form below to provide your feedback directly to Fisher Investments’ management. All feedback and complaints Fisher Investments receives helps us understand how we can continue to improve and better your experience as a client. We will carefully review every item and ensure the proper teams are alerted to your concerns.

Recommendations on Leaving Effective Complaints to Fisher Investments

We recommend including a few key pieces of information in any feedback you provide:

  •   When did the activity that caused your concern or complaint occur?
  •   Where did the activity that triggered your concern or complaint take place?
    •   For example, on a call, at our office, online or during an in-person meeting or event?
  •   Whom at Fisher Investments were you working with?
  •   How can we best resolve your concern or complaint, or, deliver better service in the future?

While we understand that no one is happy leaving complaints, we will be able to respond most effectively when your feedback is constructive. We politely request any feedback you leave:

  •   Provides true and accurate information so we can confirm the details of the event
  •   Includes a way we can contact you should we need more information
  •   Does not use profanity or derogatory remarks, so we can clearly understand the nature of your issue

With this in mind, Fisher Investments appreciates your feedback, commentary and complaints so we can improve our firm and better your experience as a client.

Clients May Leave Feedback, Commentary or Complaints about Fisher Investments Here:

*Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

By clicking "Submit," you understand that Fisher Asset Management, LLC will use the personal information you provided above to contact you. Your information will be used and disclosed as described in our privacy policy. You can withdraw consent any time.