Fisher Investments offers a variety of fixed income strategies across regions, sectors, and maturities. Using a top-down investment framework, the Investment Policy Committee (IPC) focuses on identifying fundamental drivers of fixed income returns in each phase of the market cycle.
Fisher Investments’ macro theme development guides country/currency, sector/industry, duration, yield curve and credit quality decisions. Within this framework, a bottom-up relative value-focused credit selection process seeks to generate superior risk adjusted excess returns.
Strategy Benefits Include:
Innovative investment process accounting for core drivers of fixed income market returns with an emphasis on top-down analysis of duration and credit positioning
Excess returns generated throughout market cycles
A combined (top-down/bottom-up) investment process funnels our macroeconomic forecasts into a relative value oriented selection process
Fisher Investments Ireland Limited trades as Fisher Investments Europe (FIE) and is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. Fisher Investments Ireland Limited and its trading name Fisher Investments Europe are registered with the Companies Registration Office in Ireland under numbers 623847 and 629724 . Fisher Investments (FI) is an investment adviser registered with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. FIE is wholly-owned by Fisher Asset Management, LLC, trading as Fisher Investments, which is majority owned and controlled by Fisher Investments, Inc. Since inception, Fisher Investments, Inc. has been 100% privately owned. FIE outsources portfolio management to FI.
Fisher Investments Ireland Limited trades as Fisher Investments Europe (FIE) and is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. Fisher Investments Ireland Limited and its trading name Fisher Investments Europe are registered with the Companies Registration Office in Ireland under numbers 623847 and 629724 . Fisher Investments (FI) is an investment adviser registered with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. FIE is wholly-owned by Fisher Asset Management, LLC, trading as Fisher Investments, which is majority owned and controlled by Fisher Investments, Inc. Since inception, Fisher Investments, Inc. has been 100% privately owned. FIE outsources portfolio management to FI.
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