Global Equity

Fisher Investments’ global equity strategies use the structure of global markets in order to seek to capitalise on country, sector and industry cycles.

Illustration of 2 men wearing suits standing next to the world

Fisher Investments' Global Equity Strategies 

The Investment Policy Committee (IPC) leverages top-down themes to help identify opportunities and risks across the global universe.

  • Macro-driven investment process combined with bottom-up analysis to account for country, sector and security decisions

  • Incorporating a top-down process in a multi-manager lineup may complement traditional, bottom up approaches by increasing diversification benefits

  • Consistent, repeatable process has helped deliver excess returns in a variety of market environments

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Inception Date
All Non-US Equity .
Category Benchmark Inception Date Capabilities
Global ex-US Equity MSCI ACWI ex-US Index maggio 2004 SRI, ESG, or Impact
Global ex-US Equity MSCI ACWI ex-US Index . maggio 2004 . SRI, ESG, or Impact
All Non-US Equity Focused .
Category Benchmark Inception Date
Global ex-US Equity MSCI ACWI ex-US Index dicembre 2006
Global ex-US Equity MSCI ACWI ex-US Index . dicembre 2006 .
All Non-US Equity Growth .
Category Benchmark Inception Date
Global ex-US Equity MSCI ACWI ex-US Growth aprile 2005
Global ex-US Equity MSCI ACWI ex-US Growth . aprile 2005 .
Global Equity .
Category Benchmark Inception Date Capabilities
Global Equity MSCI World Index settembre 1994 SRI, ESG, or Impact
Global Equity MSCI World Index . settembre 1994 . SRI, ESG, or Impact
All World Equity .
Category Benchmark Inception Date Capabilities
Global Equity MSCI ACWI Index dicembre 2009 SRI, ESG, or Impact
Global Equity MSCI ACWI Index . dicembre 2009 . SRI, ESG, or Impact
Global Equity Focused .
Category Benchmark Inception Date Capabilities
Global Equity MSCI World Index gennaio 2010 SRI, ESG, or Impact
Global Equity MSCI World Index . gennaio 2010 . SRI, ESG, or Impact
Global Developed Small Cap .
Category Benchmark Inception Date Capabilities
Global Equity MSCI World Small Cap Index febbraio 2013 SRI, ESG, or Impact
Global Equity MSCI World Small Cap Index . febbraio 2013 . SRI, ESG, or Impact
Emerging Markets Equity .
Category Benchmark Inception Date Capabilities
Emerging Markets Equity MSCI Emerging Markets Index aprile 2006 SRI, ESG, or Impact
Emerging Markets Equity MSCI Emerging Markets Index . aprile 2006 . SRI, ESG, or Impact
Emerging Markets Equity ESG .
Category Benchmark Inception Date Capabilities
Emerging Markets Equity MSCI Emerging Markets Index settembre 2012 SRI, ESG, or Impact
Emerging Markets Equity MSCI Emerging Markets Index . settembre 2012 . SRI, ESG, or Impact
EM Sovereign Debt Hard Currency .
Category Benchmark Inception Date
Fixed Income JPM EMBI Fixed Index agosto 2021
Fixed Income JPM EMBI Fixed Index . agosto 2021 .
European Equity .
Category Benchmark Inception Date
Global ex-US Equity MSCI Europe Index novembre 2013
Global ex-US Equity MSCI Europe Index . novembre 2013 .
Non-US Equity .
Category Benchmark Inception Date Capabilities
Global ex-US Equity MSCI EAFE Index ottobre 1993 SRI, ESG, or Impact
Global ex-US Equity MSCI EAFE Index . ottobre 1993 . SRI, ESG, or Impact
Global Developed Long/Short Equity 50 .
Category Benchmark Inception Date
Long/Short 50% MSCI World/50% US 3M T-Bill marzo 2015
Long/Short 50% MSCI World/50% US 3M T-Bill . marzo 2015 .
Global Long/Short Neutral Equity .
Category Benchmark Inception Date
Long/Short US 3-Month T-Bill novembre 2018
Long/Short US 3-Month T-Bill . novembre 2018 .
Global Quant .
Category Benchmark Inception Date Capabilities
Quant MSCI ACWI ottobre 2016 SRI, ESG, or Impact
Quant MSCI ACWI . ottobre 2016 . SRI, ESG, or Impact
All Non-US Equity Small Cap .
Category Benchmark Inception Date Capabilities
Global ex-US Equity MSCI ACWI ex-US Small Cap settembre 2011 SRI, ESG, or Impact
Global ex-US Equity MSCI ACWI ex-US Small Cap . settembre 2011 . SRI, ESG, or Impact
UK Equity .
Category Benchmark Inception Date
Global ex-US Equity MCSI UK Investable Markets Index giugno 2007
Global ex-US Equity MCSI UK Investable Markets Index . giugno 2007 .
US Broad Market Fixed .
Category Benchmark Inception Date Capabilities
Fixed Income ICE BofA US Broad Index dicembre 2014 SRI, ESG, or Impact
Fixed Income ICE BofA US Broad Index . dicembre 2014 . SRI, ESG, or Impact
US Equity .
Category Benchmark Inception Date Capabilities
US Equity MCSI UK Investable Markets Index settembre 1994 SRI, ESG, or Impact
US Equity MCSI UK Investable Markets Index . settembre 1994 . SRI, ESG, or Impact
US High Yield Debt .
Category Benchmark Inception Date
Fixed Income ICE BofA US High Yield Index novembre 2020
Fixed Income ICE BofA US High Yield Index . novembre 2020 .
US Mid Cap Value .
Category Benchmark Inception Date
US Equity Russell Mid Cap Value Index gennaio 1990
US Equity Russell Mid Cap Value Index . gennaio 1990 .
US Short-Term Fixed Income .
Category Benchmark Inception Date
Fixed Income ICE BofA Corp/Govt A-AAA 1—5 Year Index ottobre 2020
Fixed Income ICE BofA Corp/Govt A-AAA 1—5 Year Index . ottobre 2020 .
US Small and Mid Cap Core .
Category Benchmark Inception Date Capabilities
US Equity Russell 2500 Index giugno 2014 SRI, ESG, or Impact
US Equity Russell 2500 Index . giugno 2014 . SRI, ESG, or Impact
US Small and Mid Cap Value .
Category Benchmark Inception Date Capabilities
US Equity Russell 2500 Value Index agosto 1995 SRI, ESG, or Impact
US Equity Russell 2500 Value Index . agosto 1995 . SRI, ESG, or Impact
US Small Cap Core .
Category Benchmark Inception Date Capabilities
US Equity Russell 2000 Index giugno 2010 SRI, ESG, or Impact
US Equity Russell 2000 Index . giugno 2010 . SRI, ESG, or Impact
US Small Cap Equity Quant .
Category Benchmark Inception Date
Quant Russell 2000 Index ottobre 2016
Quant Russell 2000 Index . ottobre 2016 .
US Small Cap Opportunities .
Category Benchmark Inception Date
US Equity Russell Microcap Value Index ottobre 2015
US Equity Russell Microcap Value Index . ottobre 2015 .
US Small Cap Quant .
Category Benchmark Inception Date
US Equity Russell 2000 Index ottobre 2016
US Equity Russell 2000 Index . ottobre 2016 .
US Small Cap Value .
Category Benchmark Inception Date Capabilities
US Equity Russell 2000 Value Index gennaio 1990 SRI, ESG, or Impact
US Equity Russell 2000 Value Index . gennaio 1990 . SRI, ESG, or Impact
No Results

All strategies are available as SRI, ESG, or Impact

= Strategy has SRI, ESG, or Impact AUM

If you would like to get more information about our available investment strategies, contact us.

  1. All Non-US Equity
  2. All Non-US Equity Focused
  3. All Non-US Equity Growth
  4. Global Equity
  5. All World Equity
  6. Global Equity Focused
  7. Global Developed Small Cap
  8. Emerging Markets Equity
  9. Emerging Markets Equity ESG
  10. EM Sovereign Debt Hard Currency
  11. European Equity
  12. Non-US Equity
  13. Global Developed Long/Short Equity 50
  14. Global Long/Short Neutral Equity
  15. Global Quant
  16. All Non-US Equity Small Cap
  17. UK Equity
  18. US Broad Market Fixed
  19. US Equity
  20. US High Yield Debt
  21. US Mid Cap Value
  22. US Short-Term Fixed Income
  23. US Small and Mid Cap Core
  24. US Small and Mid Cap Value
  25. US Small Cap Core
  26. US Small Cap Equity Quant
  27. US Small Cap Opportunities
  28. US Small Cap Quant
  29. US Small Cap Value

Strategy Benefits



Innovative investment process that incorporates country, sector, and security decisions.


Excess returns in a variety of market conditions.



A top-down investing process complementing a multi-manager structure, capitalising on benefits of diversification.

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Investment Policy Committee

Fisher Investments doesn’t base portfolio decisions on one person’s views. With more than 150 years of combined industry experience, Fisher Investments’ five-person Investment Policy Committee collaboratively makes the firm’s strategic investment decisions.

A man smiling and shaking hands with a business partner


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