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A Top US-Based RIA

As of July 2023, Fisher Investments was named one of InvestmentNewsโ€™ Top US-based, fee-only Registered Investment Advisers (RIA). Fisher Investments ranks #2 on its RIA List, based on total assets under management.

InvestmentNews is a weekly publication dedicated to delivering news and analysis essential to the business of financial advisers. For its RIA List, InvestmentNews qualified firms headquartered in the United States based on data reported on Form ADV to the Securities and Exchange Commission. To qualify, advisers must be fee-only, based in the United States, independent from any broker/dealer, and meet several other criteria. To access the full list and criteria for consideration, please visit the following link: Fisher Investments pays a fee for promotion and logo distribution rights.

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*As of 7/1/2024

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