Personal Wealth Management / Financial Planning

Beat The Crowd

Beat the Crowd book cover image

Beat the Crowd shows how you can think like a pro—with no academic training or boring how-to manuals required!

Beat the Crowd, by Fisher Investments founder and bestselling author Ken Fisher, is a straightforward guide to think-for-yourself investing. In Beat the Crowd, Fisher shows you how to both look beyond crowds and find real contrarian opportunities that play. Many believe simply doing the opposite of everyone else is the key to avoiding the herd’s faulty investment decisions. Wall Street defines contrarian investing as betting the opposite of the crowd. Problem is, stocks often don’t do the opposite of what most folks expect! Those who bet on the opposite, thinking it makes them a contrarian, behave as crowd-like as the crowd they try to game! If the herd thinks stocks will rise 10%, the anti-herders bet they’ll fall—but markets could also skyrocket or zigzag sideways.

How can you buck the trend and be right more often than wrong? Mainstream investors are wrong more often than right. Most folks intuitively know this, and statistics and studies back it up. 

Being a contrarian simply means thinking independently. Not getting caught up in media hype and endless debate over whether “Condition”X is good or bad for stocks. Looking for things everyone misses. Thinking differently than the crowd, but not necessarily the opposite! Fisher’s Beat the Crowd provides knowledge to help you filter the noise, test rules of thumb, shatter media myths and avoid common pitfalls.

Bestselling author Ken Fisher’s new book goes back to his roots to cover how you can be a crowd-beating contrarian investor.

Many misunderstand contrarianism. They believe it means doing the opposite of everyone else. If the masses are bullish, the contrarians are bearish, and vice versa.

Few realize these supposed contrarians form their own crowd that behaves as herd-like as the masses they’re trying to outsmart. Avoiding the masses’ follies requires seeing through both crowds, thinking differently and discovering viewpoints neither crowd can fathom.

As founder and Executive Chairman of Fisher Investments, Ken Fisher oversees assets for more than 150 institutions worldwide and tens of thousands of individual investors. In this, his 11th book, he shares the philosophy and tactics he uses to advise clients.

Learn to Invest Smarter

In Beat the Crowd, Ken Fisher shows how you can invest smarter by thinking differently, cutting through the noise and avoiding the crowd’s oft-repeated mistakes.

Why does the crowd get markets wrong more often than not? Sometimes, it’s because their brains trick them, either with political biases or other behavioral traps. Other times, it’s because they forget markets pretty efficiently price in widely known information, and they let false fears drive investment decisions. Here are just a few of the pitfalls covered in the book:

  1. Assuming one political party or ideology is best or worst for stocks—tempting, and easy to do, but what if they’re all just a bunch equally self-interested politicians?
  2. Letting headlines drive your decisions—our noisy 24/7 media makes a living selling fear, and they love saying everything from wobbling economic data to disease scares and regional conflict will be the death of stocks. But what if stocks have already priced in whatever fear they’re selling?
  3. Believing dreary long-term forecasts endanger stocks today—pundits argue over whether things like retiring Baby Boomers, US debt, global warming and income inequality will doom investors in the long run. But are stocks really looking that far out? Do they care about pure sociology?
  4. Forgetting history—our financial memories are terrible. Old panics, bear markets and volatility are lost to most folks. But the past is important and holds the keys we need to navigate the future.
  5. Missing the elephant in the room—often the truth is simple and staring us in the face, but we can’t see it because we’re too caught up in the noise.
  6. Extrapolating the recent past forward—is the trend really your friend?

To avoid these and other pitfalls, Beat the Crowd guides you through real-world issues past, present and future, showing you how to train your brain to see what everyone else misses. Thinking differently isn’t hard, and it doesn’t take a finance degree or years of classroom training to do it. All you need are a few basic tricks and sharpened instincts to question media hype and things “everyone knows.” This book teaches these principles and how you can apply them and start making better investment decisions today.

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