Business 401(k) Services / 401(k) Plan Optimization
Investment Analysis
Hear How Fisher Can Help You Maximize Your Company's Retirement Plan.
Watch this video to learn tips from a Fisher specialist about how to maximize your company's retirement plan for performance.
Investment Analysis
Investment Analysis
Fisher Investmentsยฎ 401(k) Solutions
[Upbeat music]
A man dressed in a suit speaks to the camera. A flyout in the lower left corner identifies him as Alex Queen, VP Retirement Services
[The volume of the music is reduced]
Male Voice: Well, when I think about how you know if your company retirement plan is maximized for investment performance where I always start is the question of what is your prudent process to drive the investments that are in the retirement plan. How you monitor those and how you ultimately make changes. That prudent process should be well documented, it should be time tested
The camera zooms out as the man continues to speak.
And really give you an opportunity to drive the best success.
The camera zooms back in.
From there, I would ask who is ultimately in charge of making these decisions? This can come in a lot of forms, there could be at a business committee or someone in charge of making the investment decisions. There could be an outside advisor supporting the decisions. There could be an outside advisor that actually takes all of the legal liability of making those decisions.
So, the key is having that prudent process, and having someone that is prudent and well qualified to deliver and adhere to that investment process.
The camera zooms back out.
Itโs important to evaluate your advisor because as a sponsor of a retirement plan itโs actually your fiduciary responsibility to always act in the best interest of your planโs participants and their beneficiaries. So if you have an advisor that is not doing a good job that ultimately presents a risk to you.
The camera zooms back in.
As well as a risk to your plan participants when theyโre receiving suboptimal investment advice, suboptimal investment performance. That can really damage their prospects of a dignified retirement. Additionally, there are a lot of advisors out there across
The camera zooms back out.
the country providing advisory servers but there are actually very few that specialize in retirement plans. And we tend to find those more generalist advisors that focus more on wealth management just donโt have the acumen or the prudent process to deliver the best outcomes to retirement plans.
The camera zooms back in.
So, at Fisher Investments we are retirement plan specialists. And if now is the time to do that investment review we can help. Weโre happy to put together an independent investment review to help you really understand the investment options in your retirement plan and look for opportunities for improvement. Do you have the right quality of funds in your investment options? The right solutions? The right appropriate level of fees risk and return characteristics and provide you with some of our independent analysis and potential improvement options.
White slides over the screen covering it.
Fisher Investment 401(k) Solutions logo fades on to the screen.
The volume of the upbeat music increases.
Fisher Investments 401(k) Solutions. ยฉ 2021 Fisher Investments. Investing in securities involves the risk of loss. Intended for use by employers and their consultants, considering or sponsoring retirement.
Screen fades to black.
Music fades out.
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